Snowflake Series

Inspired by the snowflakes in nature. Snowflakes are unique, just as each person is a unique and beautiful individual.

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  • What is Moissanite?

    Moissanite is a naturally occurring mineral.silicon carbide, that is found in limitedquantities in the earth. While moissaniteexists in nature, it is so incredibly rare thatit must be created in a lab to producepieces large enough to cut into gems.

  • Mardazan has always been guided by theprinciples of sustainable development.

    At Mardazan, we are creating a new legend .one of transparency, ethics andenvironmental responsibility.

  • How to care for S925 sterling silverjewelry?

    Whether you accessorize your wardrobeexclusively with silver jewelry or you onlyhave a few special pieces, you've probablyfound yourself wondering at some pointwhat the best way is to take care of andclean your silver jewelry.